Pricing & Packages


Family Photos

1 hour session for $250, 30 edited digital photos. 

This includes newborn, maternity each. 

Family is #1 and always should be. So many milestones and years of love to hold forever in our hearts. From Newborns, Toddlers, Teens, Parents, Grandparents and even Great Grandparents.

Business Branding 

& Headshots

Starting at, $150 for 30min session,  10 edited digital photos

I will showcase your business brand and what everyone is missing. Get noticed with some unique lighting and poses that will make you stand out from all the rest. Corporate, LinkedIn, website headshots. Branding your business, through your products and services. 

Couples & Engagements

1hr session $200, 20 edited digital photos

This includes elopement, couples, proposals, pre and post wedding each.

Lets have fun and show your love for one another.  With so many unique and beautiful places to choose from. Alberta has some of the most amazing landscapes, from the prairies, to the badlands and our beautiful Canadian Rocky Mountains. Let's chat and make this moment special and unforgettable. 

Pet Portraits

30min session $150, 10 edited photos.

Our best friend and part of the family. Every pet has it's own unique personality. From those first few weeks that seem to pass with a blink of an eye, to the last moments with our special friend. I will capture the joy and special place they hold in our hearts forever.

Wedding Packages

One hour before the ceremony is so hectic and busy. Make-up and hair and getting those final touches complete. At last, the walk down the aisle, so nervous and such excitement. The emotions are so high and the love so deep. A kiss to show your love for one another. Let the celebration begin!


3hrs $750, 100+ edited digital images.


6hrs $1,500 200+ edited digital images. 


8hrs $1,900 300+ edited digital images.


10hrs $2,300 400+ edited digital images.

All photos are taken in colour, so don't worry I won't be just delivering your photos in black and white. I select each photo very carefully and edit them true to life as possible with my own personal style. The black and white photos are a select few and have a timeless quality and vintage feel. I'll pose you and get those unique candid shots through out your special day, so you can look back and feel those memories come back and fill your hearts once again.

Second photographer and videographer requests welcome at additional costs. Pricing is for the Edmonton and surrounding communities, additional costs over 3hrs round trip. 

Additional printing options available on canvas, metal, photo books and framing. These items are not included in the package pricing unless specified. Please call to get a quote today.

Contact: Janice Badduke (780) 977-1390   


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